Three Frustrated Men – The Sequel to 12 Angry Men

In a hot jury room in New York City, 12 men discuss the innocence or guilt of a teenager accused of murdering his father. As time passes, they begin to question their own values and morals. Yup you got it right, it is about the heading of this blog. 12 Angry Men was a movie released in Hollywood in 1957. In 1986 Bollywood released its own adaption of the Hollywood flick – Ek Ruka Hua Faisla. And now we finally have a sequel to this movie(s) – 3 Frustrated Men.

Three men in a discussion.

Man 1: We will have to contain him. He is flying too high. Last month in a tournament at their home ground he & his team thrashed my bowlers all over the field.

Man 2: I agree. His confidence is way too high. Emboldened by their performance against your team, last week they thrashed us in the series and how – 62 sixes, of which 41 went outside the stadium. And all this despite the adverse commentary that I had got ‘fixed’ for them.   

Man 3 begins to speak: So here is what …..

The other two look at him and give him a stern look of – when elders are talking, young ones should shut up and listen. Man 3 shuts up with a frustrated look on his face.

Man 2: So how will you do it? It is not easy. He is turning his team better and better at this game. Plus they can afford the world’s best coaches.

Man 1: It will not be easy of course, but if we do not strike now, he can become a problem for us later.

Man 3 looks at the other two to check if he will get their nod to speak. Their look makes him realise that his thoughts are still unwelcome and he shuts up even before speaking up, wondering whether he is more frustrated due to ‘him’ (the him that they are all conspiring against) or due to them (Man 1 & Man 2).

Man 2: So do you have a plan in mind?

Man 1 with a devilish grin: Yes. I am playing cricket against him this weekend at my home ground.

Man 3: So?

This time the other two do not object to Man 3’s asking them a question.

Man 1 putting his arm patronisingly over Man 3’s shoulder: My umpires, my decisions!

Man 3 asking Man 1 and pointing at Man 2: So what will he do?

Man 1: Continue with the bad commentary of course. Something will stick!

Man 3: What should I do?

Man 1: Shut up and learn. You are way too inconsequential to do anything right now. Frankly I have started losing interest in you.


  1. The 41 sixes out of the 62 that went out of the stadium have nothing to do with the rumours that India has asked Canada to withdraw 41 diplomats out of their 62 diplomats in India.
  2. The ‘My umpires, my decisions!’ remark of Man 1 has nothing to do with Chinese officials playing dirty against Neeraj Chopra, Jyothi Yarraji, Nyeman Wangsu, Onilu Tega and Mepung Lamgu.
  3. By now you know that Man 3 has nothing to do with the financially poor, intellectually stunted and worldly unwise leadership of Pakistan. And Man 1 losing interest in Man 3 has nothing to do with China rejecting all new investment proposals from Pakistan.

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